Calling Data Professionals

What is STATWARS®?

STATWARS® is a data project, with multiple curriculum links to science, mathematics, computing, engineering as well as English and even geography! The engagement with industry experts in the competition allows pupils multiple opportunities to learn about data, careers and the skills that are valued in the workplace.

Film and TV asks pupils to use data to create a successful film or TV programme.

Climate Change Challenge asks pupils to use data to identify 3 things they can commit to changing about their everyday life that will reduce their carbon footprint and help fight climate change.

Whilst the specific topics covered in each project are different, the skills developed and requirements are the same.

Pupils will:

    • Develop their understanding of the topic and the importance of data
    • Engage with industry professionals to inspire them to find out more
    • Collect and analyse data to help develop ideas and make decisions
    • Engage in research to develop their ideas
    • Design and create a data driven infographic, which provides key information for how they came to their decision.
    • Design and create a campaign poster which shares the 3 pledges in their manifesto. This is a creative element where pupils can explore ways of drawing attention to their ideas for change and encourage others to join them on their journey.
    • Write a short statement (250 words primary, 500 words secondary) highlighting their actions on the back of their own research. This statement will form the premise of their presentation to the class. The winning presentation can be filmed if the teacher wishes.
    • Compose a letter to their local MP, highlighting the key issues they have researched, aiming to persuade them to help join the fight against climate change.

How You Can Help

We are looking for engaging and passionate professionals (StatWarriors) to support our pupils for both projects.

Step 1 - Take a look at how you can get involved

When you have an idea of what you’d like to get involved in, please register with us to support and inspire pupils in our STATWARS® competition.

Step 2 - Engage in one or both of the following

#StatWarriorsUnite on Social Media

Produce a 30 second video that we will use to promote STATWARS® on social media and the web.

These videos focus on climate change and should include

  • Who you are,
  • What your role is
  • Why is data important now and in the future
  • End with ‘I know the 3 things I would change but if you were a STATWARRIOR, what would your 3 things be?
  • Take a pause and say “Stat Warriors It’s Time To Unite!’

For the best results, we ask that you record in landscape mode and place the phone on a steady surface to prevent a shaky recording.

When you submit your video, please include any social media handles we should tag, such as your own or those of the organisation you work for.

These videos will be used on our official LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube channels, as well as the STATWARS® website and by submitting the video you agree to us sharing the content to support schools and pupils and for use in marketing purposes.


Create a short 7-10 minute film or presentation with

  • Who you are, Your role, The organisation you work for
  • Your professional journey with data.
  • Importance of data in your current role.
  • How you think data will impact future careers.
  • Any books or films you would recommend to budding STATWARRIORS?

You can discuss or present tips and tricks on any of the following

  • How to analyse and present data
  • How to best visualise data – do you have any interesting infographics or visuals you could present to the pupils?
  • Communicating complex data in simple forms. What’s the best approach?
  • How do you use data in your role to influence decisions
  • How do you go about identifying insights from data collected?
  • How would you approach data collection?
  • Building the right questions to collect the most accurate data
  • What are you looking for in the entries from pupils?
  • For Film & TV, any tips & tricks on talking to the camera?

Or anything else you feel pupils would find inspiring and useful for their competition entry. Be creative!

For the best results, we ask that you record in landscape mode and place the phone on a steady surface to prevent a shaky recording.

When you submit your video, please include any social media handles you would like us to tag, such as your own or those of the organisation you work for.

These videos will be used on or official LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube channels, as well as the STATWARS® website and by submitting the video you agree to us sharing the content to support schools and pupils and for marketing purposes.

Step 3 – Engage directly with Schools and Pupils


During the academic year we host online interviews with data professionals, entertainment industry professionals and those with a passion for fighting climate change. Our live interviews are held on Zoom and live steamed through YouTube/Facebook where the recording will be hosted after the interview.

The first part of the interview will be your presentation. In your presentation you should explain your role and the organisation you work for and then focus on a skill/topic within data you would like to share with the competition participants. Please let us know what you intend the title of your presentation to be and a brief description of what your presentation will be about. We will use this description to promote the session on our social media platforms and through our partners. The presentation section usually lasts 10-15 minutes and you can choose the medium you use such as PowerPoint or speaking directly to the camera and using props to support your discussion.

This is then is followed by a 15 minute Q&A. The attendees will type in their questions, which we will collate and relay back to you to answer.

The interviews are 30 minutes.

The recordings will be used on or official LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube channels, as well as the website and by submitting the video you agree to us sharing the content to support schools and pupils and for marketing purposes.

data professionals

#STATWARRIOR School Engagement

Schools can request a local data professional visit the school in person or via a class live stream.

Our Funding Partners can sign Professionals up to become an official STATWARRIOR and support schools.

Once a school requests direct engagement with a Professional our team will reach out to you or your team to introduce you to the teacher at the school. Once you and the teacher who has made the request are happy to be introduced, we will make introductions so you can directly schedule a visit or an online call between yourselves.

STATWARS Resource Hub

In January we will launch our #STATWARRIOR Resource Hub. We will be looking to publish blogs, articles, reports, whitepapers and features. We are therefore inviting data professionals, Eco warriors and industry professionals to share their content.

The content can be you

  • sharing skills or insights,
  • an opinion piece,
  • an exciting story from your career
  • your journey to becoming a data professional
  • or anything that the participants of STATWARS® Competition would find of value in their entries and other professionals can find useful.

Your article should be between 500-900 words to be published digitally. The audience will be schools, industry professionals and pupils entering the competition, so you can tailor to target any of these.

You will also need to provide your short bio and profile picture to accompany the feature.

Step 4 – Register to become an official Grader

Throughout the year, we receive entries from school and home learners for the STATWARS®competition.

For children who have entered, knowing Professionals read the entries is hugely inspirational and grading helps demonstrate just how much professionals care about the engagement of young people with data. We therefore invite you to join us and register to become an official grader.

Step 5 – Get Your Certificate

Upon completion of any activity in Step 2- 4, we will send you a survey to understand your experiences and the value you believe your engagement has delivered to pupils and schools, alongside how you found partnering with Primary Engineer for the STATWARS® competition.

Upon completion of the survey, we will send you our Limited Edition Badge and Certificate as evidence of public engagement and for you to add to your Professional Development Portfolio.

Step 6 - Ready to Register?

Know what you want to do?

Complete the form below to register to become an Official STATWARRIOR for the STATWARS® competition, inspire pupils and share your voice.

STATWARRIORS, register your interest here

Bring awareness of data careers into the classroom through this compelling and creative project. Support your local school!