Enabling pupils to star in
their own data story

Enabling pupils to star in
their own data story

What is the STATWARS® Film & TV Project ?

The STATWARS® vision is to provide a classroom project that delivers meaningful and engaging mathematics, numeracy and data literacy to pupils, by bringing the enchantment of the entertainment industry to their doorstep. STATWARS® allows pupils to make rich cross curricular connections between mathematics, the world of work and their own learning, as they work through a topic that is meaningful, relevant and contemporary.


This competition is not running in the 2022/2023 academic year but will return in the future. 

data professionals

How does STATWARS® Film & TV project work?

Pupils work in teams or individually (using our Home Learning Resources) to analyse a large dataset of TV shows or films, then develop a data-driven concept for what they believe would be a successful future production! They will then produce an infographic poster, an advertisement poster and a 60-sec pitch to support their idea. The competition’s structure encourages pupils to apply mathematics not just creatively, but logically, to collect, analyse and present data, whilst drawing on their own personal experiences of what makes great entertainment! The nature of the project therefore encourages teamwork, leadership, curiosity, critical thinking and resilience, as teams or individuals are asked to consider indeterminate problems and develop data-driven hypothesise.

Teachers are provided with whole-class differentiated resources, home learners are provided with a pupil workbook and home learning guide, alongside videos from industry professionals to ensure a real-world, careers driven context is provided for pupils. We host weekly online data professionals interviews to help support the project and answer the many questions pupils will have!

The competition requires teams of pupils or individuals to produce two posters (each, no larger than A2) one advertising the film or TV series, clearly designed to appeal to its demographic audience, and the other to communicate through infographics, the data used to influence the decisions made. Teams or individuals will also be required to produce a 60 second film to ‘elevator pitch’ their idea to the judging panel.

Submitted entries receive a certificate of completion and the winning group from each class are entered into the final round of judging by our high profile industry judges and overall winners receive an award.


Thomas Blann